January 30, 2009

Project 365

The guidelines I have created for my 365 Project:
- Take at least one photo every day for a year.
- Dates in the EXIF date must be consecutive, even if I can't post the photo to my Flickr account everyday.
- The pop up flash cannot be used for my 365 Project.
- Photo may be taken from any camera I choose.
- 365 Photos cannot be from a session for family/friends/clients... it must be a photo taken solely for the sake of photography.
- Photo may include any subject matter.

And here is the link to my set. www.flickr.com/photos/aglimpsephoto

January 5, 2009

Family Pictures - 3 Generations

I did my best using Photoshop to swap eyes, smiles, and heads to get the best pictures where everyone was looking. Thank you for letting me crash your party and take some pictures for you!!